
Dep City The Dep. Ftima Nunes (PT) suggests to initiate the Plan of Action from the cities that already had firmed agreement between itself. goes off: ' ' It does not have of if admitr that one family who has its history written in a city, suddenly pass to be considered of outro' ' endorsing the application of art.1 3 of the law in guideline. The Dep. Aderbal Caldas (PP), 2 vice-president of the ALBA, also commented. The mayor of Jacaraci, Mr. Antonio Carlos, considers the feeling of belonging of the population, either for consultation of the IBGE, either for plebiscite. The Dep. Bonfim Joo completed: ' ' To change the law is easy difficult is to change pessoas' ' mentioning the feeling to it of the citizen to belong to one or another city. Mayor of Jucuruu, Sr. Loyola, told to the conflict between its city and Itamaraju, with loss of more than R$300mil/ano, having the coefficient to repass of the fallen FPM of 1,8 for 1,6, because of error of a professional technician, who erroneamente attributes area of the territory of Jucuruu to the neighboring city - what nor he was accepted for Itamaraju, whose mayor said that ' ' that area never was of its city and that it does not want that one abacaxi' '. Loyola said that the area in question always was managed by Jucuruu, but, now, with the error technician, it had displacement of 302 inhabitants, what caused the cited loss of prescription. The president of the Session, Dep. Bonfim Joo, invited the mayors gifts for, after the Session, in the vespertine turn, congregating itself to deal with the specific subjects of each city, justifying that the present Session is for dealing with the case in ' ' atacado' ' , of form general, and...
Change Leader In this direction the continuous progress is basic in such a way for the people as for the organizations, therefore nothing it remains equal in the life, and to grasp it exceeded paradigms leave paralyzed can them while the world passes for them, therefore that the psychological standards and the used models must be modified. Exactly that it is not easy since the change desinstala, takes off of the zone of comfort and force to make the things of different form, and this many times is desconfortvel. In the scene of the leadership in them a paradigm change is instigated, where the administration of piramidal style, of the power from top to bottom, with the concern to satisfy the head, must mainly be modified for a form of focada administration in serving to the customer, inverting the pyramid, where the paper of the leader is not to impose and to give to orders the following layer, but yes to serve, identifying satisfying the legitimate necessities of its led and removing all the barriers so that they can serve the customer. The leader must be worried about the necessities and not about the led wills of its, therefore the will is a yearning that does not consider physical or psychological consequncias of what it desires, whereas the necessity is a legitimate physical or psychological requirement it welfare of the human being. Having the leader to be flexible, therefore different people possess different necessities, therefore are necessary to stimulate and to give conditions so that the people if become optimum that they can be. The leadership starts with a choice, and such choices include responsibilities assumed in lining up action with good intentions, and such actions are determined by unconscious forces of which never in we give account to them. However the...

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