
Competitions The scene commercial, economic where the companies participate, indicates those that have achieveed the success, conquered markets, thanks to the fact that are preparation for it, and interpreted which must be the competitions that are due to have in its human resource, especially its executives, by all means, the management. It has been written, that the concept of " competencias" one has prevailed in Literature on enterprise management during last the ten years. In spite of its vague character and even, variable according to uses that it, an increasing number of institutions elaborates reference systems of competitions that affect, the majority of the times, to its hierarchic structure of mean level and operative, and sometimes also to the members highly described as its personnel. The competitions, are understood like integral activities to identify, to interpret, to argue and to solve problems of the context with suitability and ethics, being integrated the knowledge to be, the knowledge to make and the knowledge know (Tobn, Pimienta and Garci'a Friar, 2010). competitions are the capacities to put in operation the different Knowledge, Abilities and Values of integral way in the different interactions that have the human beings for the life and the labor scope Script (mentioned in Spencer and Spencer defines) them. like " Underlying characteristics of the people who indicate forms to behave or to think, generalizable from a situation to another one, and that they stay during a time largo" reasonably; Woodruffe (1993 raises) them like " A dimension of open and manifest conducts, that allow a person to render eficientemente". Boyatzis (Woodruffe, 1993) indicates that they are: " sets of conduct landlords, that the person must take to a position to efficiently render in her tasks and funciones". On the other hand, it indicates Wikipedia on the matter to us,...
Spanish Constitution The enterprising woman who wants upon maturity to take to an enterprise project or a business, must be conscious that she must learn to develop in atmospheres little accustomed the feminine presence. To this initial difficulty it is necessary to add a series of impediments with which one will be of his trajectory, in this case, like industralist: masculinizacin of the enterprise world, discrimination, difficulty of financing, familiar, hour circumstances, masculine communications networks, etc. Use for the disabled people: Why the disabled ones cannot enjoy the right to the work recognized in Art. 35 of the Spanish Constitution? The use is one of the majors factors, even the greater factor of integration, for any person in adult age and therefore also for the people with some incapacity. The present situation of the labor market indicates that the use is not a good for all the population; the people with incapacity undergo majors difficulties that the general population to find use. The workers with incapacities tend to be stragglers with respect to other people who look for use, in particular when the number of unemployed generally increases. At the moment, he is fighting himself by creation of a bottom financed by the companies that do not reserve 2% of their jobs for people with incapacity, that would be destined to the labor integration of this group. At present, the companies that do not cover 2 % of their uses with disabled workers must destine the cost that would suppose the use of these people to the acquisition of goods made in Special Centers of Use or donate it to institutions for the integration of these people. The union proposal is that this money is destined obligatorily to a bottom to impel the labor integration of the group and to improve the...

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