
The Man Of The Log Now you are hung of the infamous log, you are injuriado and you mistreated. I cannot see your eyes, because you raise the head towards the sky What ingenuously you look for? A cloud happens, a flock of crows. Somebody picks up the flight of its mantle and returns to the tired city. Behind himself it leaves a dust sign. The hill where they have lead to you is barren and gray. Some men murmur while your body is nailed in the cross. They seem to be after a linen cloth. The soldiers hold affirm their lances against the ground, while populacho takes roots in the esplanade and he laughs of you, yes, of you. Your dark face descends now on the chest. A fog ring fits your front bored by the thorns. The blood coagulates in your beard and it slides like a viper by your body. A fly hums near your eyes. You can see it? What thought of repentance will cross raudo and inasible by your head? What vision of infamia shakes to you while you hurt the air with your voice terrible? What invisible end sinks in your trembly meat until finding your heart? You hallucinate, you cry out by the presence of the emissaries of the fire, by the telluric forces of your nonexistent sky. I can escucharte call to the espantajos that bury their diamond hooks on rocks made bristle on the mount where you vanish. You think that crowd of down has mercy by you there? Perhaps you imagine that they will rise against the empire to prevent your death? You cannot moverte, the nails perforate your meat they grasp and you to the log. The blood continues emanating with slowness and leaves on your skin a map of cloudy irises. No longer...
United Nations It would have been very bad taste that Israel had continued the offensive against Gaza and allowed will alternate images of the pomp of the inauguration of Obama in Washington with bloody imagery in Gaza. The israeli Government is aware that, if it were not for the unlimited support of all kinds which continuously receives from the loyal American friend, would be unable to continue clinging to the principle of exceptionality, tacitly accepted by many countries since the establishment of the State of Israel. This principle States that a people who have suffered the Holocaust in a hostile world is exempt from complying with international legislation whenever it pleases. So far, no supranational agency, including the United Nations, has been able to repeal it or put it into question. Operation Cast Lead (molten lead), suspended unilaterally to not tarnish the washingtonianas celebrations, would be tantamount to a child apedrease a car and driver respond with bursts of submachine gun against the author of vandalism and the friends who surrounded him at that time. Even more: remembering the destruction of several facilities of the UN in Gaza, can imagine the angry driver undertake shot with the ambulances which had arrived to attend to injured children and catch fire them later. Not worth repeating old arguments: the main reason of the israeli attack, rather than to prevent the firing of Palestinian rockets is the military necessity of reparation of the failure of the year 2006 in Lebanon and reaffirm the potential war, deterrence and overwhelming. The electoral interests of the Israeli leaders who vie for power and convenience of submitting to Obama a fait accompli, to test his reaction and probing until you reach with the new President in the White House have also influenced. Finally, after the craft rockets respond to...

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