
Technical Service Besides it, other measures that we plan and that can help us to palliate the crisis would be among others, the incorporation of new products to our present portfolio, contract negotiation of exclusive Distribution with manufacturers of industrial machinery, and the prospection of new markets where, with the help of the different One in charge and Chambers of Commerce of Businesses of the different Embassies, we are actively looking for to create agreements of collaboration with independent Brokers in each zone (p.ejem in Costa Rica and Venezuela). 3. Spain is one of the countries that have been affected more by the high numbers of Unemployment. You have seen yourself in the obligation reduce personnel? In my case, as Free-lance worker I have not seen myself in such obligation since development leaves from my activity through independent Brokers, and for it parts of the business such as the Post-sales Technical Service and the Logistic part (storage and transport) I use the formula of the Out-sourcing subcontracting these services to third parties, professionals and specialists in these scopes, helping in this way to reduce and to increase the control me of the costs of operation 4. Hblame of your company, date of beginning, development, products, how you have faced the competitiveness Under commercial denomination GO! Forklifts, development my professional activity like Free-lance centering my work especially in the commercial intermediation and like Consultant in logistic projects for companies of the sector of the transport and storage. I initiated this work at the beginning of 2009, after one passage of the desert of approximately 3 years occupying executive positions in different companies, initially in the sector of the auxiliary machinery of the construction, and later again in the sector of the industrial machinery of maintenance. Previously, and from 1991 and to 1995 I...
Fat Burning Tips It is one thing to lose some weight and another is totally different when it comes to maintaining the weight lost. There are numerous success stories about losing much pesodespues a period of time, but unfortunately, most of these stories end with the recovery of the lost weight, and even sometimes more than what was lost. Like weight loss, it is a process to make sure that you recuperaras all the weight you lost again. If you want to make sure you maintain your weight after having worked so hard to lose it, you can use the following tips and tricks that will help you to maintain the weight lost. Do exercise one of the best ways to make sure you that you maintain the weight lost is to follow a regular exercise routine. The majority of people enters a routine that helps you lose weight but the problem is that old habits begin to seize again shortly after. It is important to keep up to day with an exercise routine to maintain the weight you've lost out. You may not have time now to exercise six days a week as did before to get those pounds to lose, but you must find a point in time that you sudes at least three times a week, 30 minutes or more at a time. This will help regulate your metabolism and keep it accelerated enough to keep the new body you've won. Likewise don't forget your fruit and vegetables to eat lots of fruits and vegetables will help keep you full throughout the day, limiting the number of calories that you are bringing into your body. Doing this not you'll privately by what won't have to worry about consuming too many calories to maintain your weight. By adding fresh fruits and...

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