SUMMARY the Retinose Pigmentar (RP) is a degenerative illness of the retina whose evolution is the total loss of the vision. It presents prevalence of 1 in 4000 inhabitants. Generally it is associated with other oftalmolgicas syndromes, what it makes it difficult the precocious diagnosis, making possible the fast progression of the illness. The causes, the clinical evolution, sex, etria band and expectations had been investigated in centers of health of Fortaleza/Ce patient with RP, considering how much the related cure of the illness and other aspects. The sample was constituted of eight citizens, whose average of age was of 34 years, having been half of the masculine sex and half of the feminine sex. Two of the interviewed ones are blind and excessively with sub-normal vision. The treatment is mainly constituted by the administration of palmitato and lenses special for the sub-normal vision. The RP is an illness little diagnosised had, in part, for its association with other syndromes, in part for the equipment lack that detects the deficiency appearance, beyond low the spreading of the syndrome..
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