
Portuguese Government PEARLS OF HISTORY Between the years of 1580 and 1640 Brazil, Portugal and its too much colonies had been under the Spanish domain. In this period, many villages, constructed by means of conceptions had appeared in Brazil that followed the definitive urbanstico style for the king of Spain. It was everything very simple. ' ' cidades' ' they had to be raised next to a river, always of the side that the Sun beats to the rising soon beneficially to influence the health of its inhabitants. Construa a circular square where it would be the church; in return the commerce store and the four directions left streets forming the residential blocks. At that time the fidiciary offices catholics were called customers. As the traders went every day to the matinal mass, they were in the door to be the first ones to leave and thus to be able to go running to open its store to take care of to the customers. With the time the word started to be used only in the commerce. How many souvenirs had been registered of the habits and customs city dwellers! In Mines the expressions had appeared ' ' from above people ' ' ' ' people of baixo' ' , mordacious references to the rich ones that they inhabited the high ones of the mounts and to the poor persons who if esparramavam for the lowered ones. In Rio De Janeiro ' was said with pride; ' to be Carioca of gema' ' , in aluso to the first inhabitants, who inhabited well in the center. In the Bahia it was grafou expression ' ' stocking mason pataca' ' , therefore, to reconstruct Lisbon after the earthquake of l755, the Portuguese Government emitted Letters of the Treasure that had been vendidas also...
Cultural Code For that reason they positively associate the coffee with home and aroma and the successful campaigns in the EE.UU do not appeal to the flavor of the coffee but to the aroma and the idea of home. The theory of Rapaille maintains, that we needed to learn all the possible one on the lmbicos mechanisms of answer of the people stops to motivate them and to attract them with our products and services, when in addition we touched to its system reptile, the commitment is complete. On the other hand to appeal to people with logical arguments (cerebral crust), rarely produces a great impact. It indicates Silvia to us Chauvin, that in its new book Cultural The Code Rapaille explains the value of knowing the codes the different cultures by means of the example from I bequeath. When the Danish company sent its famous blocks of construction, it achieved an instantaneous success in Germany where the sales did not stop to raise, whereas in the USA. the sales were shipwrecked. The direction of the company thought that one of the secrets of its success had to the quality (including clarity) of the instructions that each box brought to help the boys to construct a particular model. If its childhood remembers, as much Lego as 1000 bricks, had a specific model by box, with the blocks to construct it (although I remember to construct what felt like to me). The instructions were clear, precise, colorful and practically car-explicatorias. Why the product worked so well in Germany and so badly in the EE.UU.? The North American boys broke the box abrir it quickly, as soon as they watched the instructions (if they watched ) and they plunged themselves to construct what they had in mind and not what the model proposed. Once...

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